A Space Adventure Awaits Your Students...
In an education landscape where memorization is traditionally the norm, Project Ianos (pronounced YA-nos) seeks to blaze a different path. Through the lenses of curiosity and discovery, your students become space explorers as they watch videos with NASA subject matter experts and complete a standards-aligned curriculum of NASA-inspired Expeditions and Missions!
For Students and Parents
Our course materials have been designed by teachers for teachers to use on the Pepper LMS platform. We encourage non-educators, students, and others interested in Project Ianos to visit our YouTube Channel to watch the video content only. Click below and to the left for our social media links.
Meet Your Host, Explorer Josh
photo by Bill Stafford
Josh Bernstein is an international explorer, author, diver, and television host who has traveled more than 1,000,000 miles by train, plane, bus, bike, and camel to over 75 countries, exploring the biggest mysteries of our planet in pursuit of knowledge and discovery. As a host for History, Discovery, Smithsonian, and National Geographic, Josh brings a sense of curiosity and courage to every adventure....
Project Ianos Content
Project Ianos materials blend immersive, hosted videos with a standards-aligned curriculum of hands-on activities. Designed by teachers for teachers, each Expedition and its associated Missions focus on a specific aspect of human spaceflight. The result? A potent combination of content that piques curiosity and invites students to become explorers of space.
The Project Ianos Team
Project Ianos creates a connection between the students of today and the STEM careers of tomorrow.
Selected by NASA as the recipient of a STEM Engagement grant for 2020-2021, the Project lanos team is committed to a shared mission: to engage and educate students with the wonders of space and to inspire them to become explorers of it.
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